Why the Pregnancy Center?

Because Heartbeats cares for every life, for over 20 years offering pregnancy testing, information and now Free Ultrasounds to women facing an unplanned pregnancy – your donation allows families to get the items they need to parent effectively, the education they need to make life-affirming choices and the support they need to face each day with courage.


Every year 1.2 million abortions occur in our country. That means 1 abortion takes place every 20 seconds. But abortion isn’t just a national epidemic. It’s in our state. It’s in our community. In North Carolina, more than 29,000 abortions occur each and every year. About 800 of those happen right here in Lincoln County. Heartbeats was founded to offer women considering abortion a place to go before they make this life-changing decision. At Heartbeats, women are empowered with information and truth. They find hope, care and support. They find the unconditional love of Christ. They find LIFE.

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Reach Them

Women in our area are searching the Internet every day for abortion services. Heartbeats uses an outreach website and online advertising to reach the women most vulnerable – or even determined – to get an abortion. When they schedule appointments with our Center, we can offer them not only an introduction to their unborn child on an ultrasound screen but also the truth about abortion at an emotional, spiritual, psychological and/or physical level. In other words, we show them the truth!

Show Them

When a woman comes to Heartbeats or steps onto our Mobile Unit, we share the truth about abortion and their unborn child. The medical team at Heartbeats provides free limited ultrasounds that allow a new mother to connect with her unborn child for the first time. This usually results in a decision to carry. Our trained Client Advocates and RNs listen to their needs, educate them about their pregnancy and share the truth.

Help Them

The women who come to Heartbeats need more than just a single conversation about their situation. They often need medical referrals and support for the decisions they make. The Pregnancy Center provides the encouragement they need to continue their pregnancy as well as material and educational support. Also, for any woman who struggles with a past abortion, we offer compassion and referrals to community Bible studies to assist them on their journey to healing.


You Can Make A Difference

You can make a difference in ending abortion in our area. Financial gifts an important aspect of reaching and providing for women who need our services. You can also get involved as a volunteer in the Center, on the Mobile Unit or by offering other talents and resources.